Monday 2 March 2009

Jasmine Becket-Griffiths pink fairy tag

My first offering on my tags will be this pink tag, personalised with your name, or name of choice. I do not wish to make tags for anyone other than the person requesting and have no problem with making tags for anyone who wishes to have one. I only ask for you to be courteous and respectful and for you NOT to alter the design at all, give credit where credit is due and let people know where you got the tag from.

This offer will be open until Monday 16th March. Please get your requests in and leave me your email or contact details for me to pass the tag on to you, thank you.

I need from you:

1 - Name for tag

2 - Pick up name: first name and last initial

3 - details for sending the tag on (if not a member of blogger then please message me, thank you)